Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Marriage Debate in The Canterbury Tales Essay - 613 Words

The Cost of Marriage In Geoffrey Chaucers work, The Canterbury Tales, many travelers gather together to begin a pilgrimage. During their quest, each of the pilgrims proceed to tell a tale to entertain the group. From these stories arise four different tales, in which Chaucer uses to examine the concept of marriage and the problems that arise from this bonding of two people. In the tales of The Franklin, The Clerk, The Wife of Bath, and The Merchant, marriage is debated and examined from different perspectives. Out of the four tales, The Franklins Tale presents the most reasonable solution to the marriage debate because the problems are resolved with the least amount of heartache. In The Franklins Tale, a young†¦show more content†¦No womans heart was ever rubbed so sore (p. 138). Dorigens trials are results of hardships and misfortunes that she and her husband cannot control; however, Griseldas tests are intentional, unnecessary and cruel. Patience is another issue that The Franklins Tale deals with and exemplifies. Dorigens patience and perseverance allow her marriage to succeed. Patience is vital in a marriage and without it, problems begin to arise. In The Merchants Tale, January is increasingly watchful of May because he is blind and,...with fears that his young wife would stray. He wished death for himself and May (p. 209). May becomes frustrated with her marriage and commits adultery in the presence of her blind husband. January, sees the act; however, May convinces him that it was a dream. For May to be able to marry again she would have to wait for January to die. However sad as it may be, January is bound to die soon: he is already blind. But Mays impatience and deceitful nature taint her marriage and therefore it can never be pure. In The Wife of Baths Tale, sovereignty is the major subject that is dealt with in the marriage situation. The knight, in search of the correct answer of what women most desire in life, stumbles upon an old hag with the answer. In exchange for the answer, the knight is forced to marry the woman. The woman desires sovereignty over her husband, which is selfish and inconsiderate.Show MoreRelatedThe Canterbury Tales By William Shakespeare1708 Words   |  7 PagesThe Canterbury Tales are told in the passage of a Pilgrimage to Canterbury. 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